Monday, August 29, 2011


“Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation - but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it. For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” - Romans 8:12-14

I never want to feel obligated to write about God. When you feel obligated to do something, you usually end up doing it without any sense of inspiration or originality, and God is all about being inspirational.

When I write, I want it to be because God is using me to get His message out and share the Word. That’s honestly where all my creativity comes from. Well, that and my borderline-dangerous level of energy drink consumption. WOO!

It’s the same with gettin’ dat Bible open and readin’ dem pages. If you only read your Bible because you feel like you have to, then you’re not going to get anything worthwhile out of it. Sometimes when I’m doing a reading plan, I skim those pages like a warning label on a box of fireworks (boring.)

I don't have time to read, I'm trying to blow myself up!

What I suggest is finding enough time in your schedule to not only read your Bible, but also takes notes, or at least pause and reflect after each chapter or a particularly striking verse. Personally, I want to get to the point that if there were an AR test over the New Testament, I’d get at least a 92%. That’s quite a bit of ambition, I know, but God is all about being ambitious, too.

To summarize, don’t feel obligated be more involved with the God who loves you; feel blessed for the opportunity.

And this post is... DONE!

Well, I'm gonna go hang out inside of a tree. Wait, you guys don’t do that too? Awkward.

P.S. There is no P.S., that was the end. Go read your Bible.


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