Tuesday, February 8, 2011


“The city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there.” - Zechariah 8:5

You may recall that the purpose of Man vs. Bible is to make reading your bible more fun, and to encourage you to read every day. Although humor is the main method I aim to use to help accomplish this goal, I’d like to introduce a few ideas I’ve had over the past couple years that actually include the bible in your everyday life. While you’re keeping up with your reading, I recommend trying out one of these totally legit activities that just might make you never want to put your bible down again.

1. Exercise
In addition to the source of an invaluable collection of morals, the bible also makes a surprisingly good assistant to your average workout. The types of exercises you can perform vary with the size and weight of your bible. Personally, mine weighs about six to five-hundred pounds. (It’s annotated.)

Come on, Bible, it's almost beach season.

This makes for a solid arm workout after just a few reps. I like to look up verses while I’m lifting to encourage me to keep going.

“They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong.” - Psalm 73:4

I do not recommend cycling or running with your bible unless you have access to stationary exercise equipment such as a treadmill. Sometimes the Word is so good, you will find yourself distracted and might end up having an accident.

I drew that bike so poorly, it was bound to crash anyway.

The bible can be an excellent personal trainer, physically and spiritually.

2. Cooking

A healthy diet is key to a healthy body and a healthy soul. Most of the food you’ll find in the New Testament, however, is a little... unsettling.

“Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate.” - Luke 15:23

Nonetheless, there are definitely healthy alternatives that still benefit from biblical involvement. Here’s my own recipe for what I like to call a Scripture Fruit Smoothie.

(Cherries optional.)
Raise Bible
Smoosh fruit
Super Delicious!
That protective leather binding not only keeps God’s Word in, but keeps strawberry juice out! Don’t feel bad if you make a mess, though. No stain, no gain.

3. Tanning
Summer is coming up and who doesn’t love laying out by the pool with one of those coconut drinks and soaking up some sun? Here’s the problem, though; how do you keep your eyes shaded without looking ridiculous?
The solution; Bible study in the sun!

“Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun.” - Ecclesiastes 11:7

Fact: Bibles prevent sunburn.

Not only do you get the benefits of vitamin D, but multitasking helps to promote positive brain activity or something like that.

: If your arms get tired, try resting your bible on your face and you’ll feel really close to God!
(Warning: May ruin tan.)

4. Scuba Diving
This would have really come in handy back in the Noah’s Ark days. It can’t be all that hard to waterproof your bible, right?


5. Sledding
Admittedly, most of this list comprises of summer activities. That’s not to say that the bible isn’t fun in the winter! The snow is a blessing from the heavens and should be celebrated thusly. They didn’t even have snow back where the bible was written, so it’s not explicitly mentioned in any verses, (except Job and that guy is a total downer) but just think of how much fun they missed out on!

(Results may vary.)
Note: This does not apply to skating. DO NOT attempt to ice skate with your bible. It is both silly and dangerous.

6. Flying

I haven’t actually figured this one out yet, but if you do, please let me know because it sounds amazing.

“I said, ‘Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” - Psalm 55:6

I am 100% aware that this picture doesn't make any sense

Ah-ha! Didn’t see that one coming, did you?! Hopefully you’ve realized at this point that 99% of these activities are made up and you probably shouldn’t try to do them in real life. In fact, in some ways you would be disrespecting the Word by using it to smash unsuspecting fruit into a beverage. By far, the MOST FUN you can possibly derive from your bible is by opening your mind and opening the book. When you read, let your imagination take over, be passionate about learning from the Lord and the living Word that He left with us.

“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” - Romans 15:4

Even Paul could see that and he was blind. (Is that mean? That’s mean, isn’t it? Sorry, Paul.)

Apparently Paul was homeless.

P.S. I want to reach out with this blog. Before I made Man vs. Bible, I spent a long period praying whether or not I should put the time and effort into a project like this and finally God put it on my heart to stop thinking and just go for it. I know it sounds silly but I want to use this not only to make reading the bible interesting for other people, but to glorify God. I have faith that if I’m meant to do that, then it will happen. That said, faith without works goes nowhere. So I’m asking you, whoever is reading this, to help me get the Word out. If you like the drawings or what I’m trying to do, Follow the blog with the button up there and tell your friends about it. Show your parents and siblings. Try to make your dog or cat look at your computer screen. Whatever works. I have faith in you.

He likes to be clicked.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Skydiving with the bible?