Wednesday, March 21, 2012


i just got chome from my second knee surgy ever asnd i thogt i woula take this poptortunity to tal about how muchh i am tahnkfl for jesus

befote i wnt int o the sugrey i waas so noerouvs tha mseded up last time and hurtt ma os bad i prated and prayed and my heat was toaly focsued on god and HIs beattiful will and how i askved GDo to take apway all my featr andfill me witg faith insdated

mh head fesl liek its frrot lpops and i am confseud but uou knowa hwat i am oaky becasue jesus doesa amazing pergfect beaitifl mircales every day adn he wanted to sow those doctsors taht no mater how btad they emssed up that havin faith ien him can maie amazing imposiblee things hapen

ian a ew days when im al beter i kno that im going to not just ba able to move mtounains bu t now i cna climb them to and son i can be abl eo run

jesu1 is so aqewome im so hapy he s ibmy best griend he can ghep you ghtough aything big por small


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