Saturday, January 29, 2011


Hi. My name is Sam and I love God. First off, don't let the title of the blog fool you. This is not literally about a man trying to fight a Bible, despite how entertaining that sounds like it might be. But I promise I will try to make it equally as fun. (Maybe more. We'll see.)

spoiler alert

The purpose of my blog is to try and make the Bible seem more interesting. Don't get me wrong, it's great the way it is, but I know from personal experience that it's so easy to stop reading, even after you've made it a habit. Sometimes I'll get really fired up about God and all I want to do is read the Word. Sadly, every once in a while, like most fires, mine will go out and I'll get bored with the good book. Personally, I blame Satan. Let's face it, the guy's a jerk.

Never trust fire safety equipment.
It's not David's fault that there are so many Psalms, but they can get a little repetitive if you're reading the Bible as an obligation instead of a passion. There are days when I actually tell myself, "Okay, I have to read a few chapters today," but like a real good Christian, I put it off until I'm in bed and end up falling asleep halfway through a parable. (Side note, doing this has given me some pretty interesting dreams, pictured below.)

This was an awesome dream, believe it or not.
The point is, (yes there is a point), that reading these stories and absorbing the word of God should be fun. So with this in mind, I recently began really letting my imagination go nuts as I read, and the result was that I started to get some really intense and frequently ridiculous mental images. In addition to this, a few of my close friends have been using blogs to reach out with their faith, and I truly think that's awesome. (I'll link to their blogs below, because honestly what they have to say is much smarter than anything you'll find here.)

In light of this, I've decided to make a blog with the intent of making reading the Bible more entertaining for people like me who struggle to keep up with reading. I will attempt to do this by sharing whatever I find funny about certain verses or those mental images that I will recreate, just for you, in under five minutes per drawing. (It's not the quality that counts. It's the... uh... colorfulness.)

Like I said, reading the Bible should be a passion, not an obligation. I hope that my illustrations and "insight" will help you to feel the same way. Please join me as I take on this challenge (and by challenge I mean super rad fun time) that I am humbly calling...

Links to the best blogs in the world (probably the universe) :

 P.S. Feedback and criticism would be very much appreciated so I know how much time would be reasonable to waste spend on this weird and kind of dumb wonderful project of mine. Please enjoy and feel free to comment/contact me.
- sam